Q. I am seeking journals as it relates to Learned helplessness, powerlessness, hopelessness, despair, withdrawal, sadness , nursing articles preferably.
Learned helplessness, powerlessness, hopelessness, despair, withdrawal, sadness. These articles is from patients that experiences feeling hopelessness.
Finding articles on these subjects should not be too hard at all. Start with the following databases -- CINAHL, ProQuest Nursing, PsychArticles and PsychInfo. The "psych" databases will have material but not necessarily "nursing focused". When you use the databases narrow your search strategy in different ways to focus your results.
When in CINAHL you can narrow to just nursing journals with the word nurse in the journal name by typing nurs* in the search box and narrow to SO Publication name (click on down arrow next to box you type in term).
Some journal titles that had articles on Learned Helplessness.